Model Railways
The Village Diecast Rally
This small additional project is due to the changes that are being made to 'The Amusement Park'
The diecast vehicles have to be removed from the park because more room will be needed when it is finished. I don't have room anywhere else for the vehicles so a small addition to the right hand side of my main 'OO' layout will be added.
This is the park, before I started to make changes with it.
The current state of the park.
As I have previously mentioned this will be another article so we'll leave the park for now and go back to the Diecast Rally. Below is most of my collection of diecast models including those that need to be relocated.
I have already cut a baseboard to size, so I can now get on with it. As you can see the radiator is a bit of an issue with the level so I will need to sort it leaving a small gap above the radiator.
Base painted in dark green, not yet fitted.
Here you can see I have cut a piece out of the board so that I can create a ramp from the main layout to the higher level the base needs to be.
I also need to make a new road from the level crossing to the ramp. Please excuse the mess on the layout.
I have covered the board with scatter and made a ramp.
Now trees are planted.
The board in place and levelled.
Now to add the vehicles and other items as necessary.
You may notice that I have removed some of the trees, I needed more room to fit some of the models on the board.
Various views of the 'rally' next. Note the holiday carriage on the disused track on the left.
These are the vehicles that are left over, some will be used on my main OO layout and others will be confined to shelves
These next pictures are not OO scale and won't feature anywhere in my layouts, but I like them and let them sneak in at the end of this article.
Corgi Classic 25301 Holt Lane Transport Leyland Super Comet Platform Lorry with BICC cable drums.
3 'undertype' Steam wagons with Fair Organs, in Great Dorset Steam Fair liveries.
Published 25/01/2023
These two late addition coaches were bought for me for Easter by one of my granddaughters.
To me they are much better than Easter Eggs.
Pictures of the coaches on the way to the rally.
Added 15/04/2023
Purchased In July 2023 a second Bedford TK Fair Fairground Organ Dorset Steam Fair, but this is for the Foxshaw Gardens Amusement Park
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