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Model Railways

Foxshaw Gardens Amusement Park

I wanted to make more room on this layout and decided that the only way to do it was to move the castle backward.  To do this I had to raise it over the track.

These photographs show how I did it and also the finished result.




The layout in October 2019.


I have lifted the castle off to make a trial base over the track. 


The castle in place to give me an idea of whether or not I will carry on with the changes.


I have decided to make the changes, it will give me the extra space that I want.

The baseboard stripped ready for the changes.


This is the basic new base.


A few slight changes that were needed to the baseboard have been made.....


....and tidied up.


The base starts to take shape. I had to widen the front portal my 'toastrack' coaches were catching the sides. I prefer the the new shape and so I also changed the side portal to match.